Open Training is, as the name suggests, open to all attendees. These events will be held throughout the year and will include: PLS TOWER (one per year), PLS CADD Beginner / Intermediate (two per year), PLS CADD Advanced (one per year), PLS POLE (subject to demand).

These courses will be held around Europe to ensure that all PLS users in Europe will have an opportunity to enjoy a convenient Training experience.

​If you are an individual or a company looking for Transmission and Distribution Training, Standard Training in PLS CADD, POLE or TOWER; or if you are looking to implement Powerline Systems software and are looking for assistance in getting the roll out perfect for your particular application, you are in the right place.

If you are looking for Bespoke Training in PLS CADD, POLE or TOWER, you are in the right place. 

​If you are looking to buy PLS CADD, PLS POLE, PLS TOWER, PLS GRID or other software from Powerline Systems, you should go to here:

If you are looking to perform an As Built Survey, Verification, Reliability Study, Reconductoring Study, Uprating Study (Thermal or Structural); are looking for a Structural Analysis of a Structure, Line or Network, or if you are looking for a New Line Design / Optimisation, you should go to here:

Our Courses

Open Training